Give In Person
At the end of the Sunday morning worship experience, drop your donation in the baskets as they are passed down the aisles. If you like, you can use one of the envelopes we provide.
Generosity has the power to change lives—both yours and the people it reaches. If you’ve connected with Mt Vernon Church, we encourage you to give generously and know that your money is being used to support the mission of Jesus Christ both locally and around the world. Your financial support helps us to show God’s love in practical ways with no strings attached and to see lives transformed by the power of Jesus. Thank you!
In just a few steps, you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving.
Besides giving online, there are other ways you can financially support our mission.
At the end of the Sunday morning worship experience, drop your donation in the baskets as they are passed down the aisles. If you like, you can use one of the envelopes we provide.
You can mail your donation to Mt Vernon Church, 200 Mt Vernon Road, Columbus, MS 39702.