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Our goal is to get kids excited about Jesus and to get families talking about Jesus together throughout the week. Every Sunday at 8:00, 9:30, & 11:00, we help kids learn about Jesus in the way they best understand, and our goal is to make it the best hour of their week!

About Kids


We are devoted to developing a generation of students who are connected in a relationship with Jesus and thriving within the local church. From weekly gatherings to small groups, we create environments where students can both connect with each other and with Jesus, so their hearts can be transformed by what He wants to do in their lives.

About Students


We’re better together because God has designed us to be one body that loves, serves, encourages, and prays for one another. Life isn’t easy, but we don’t have to do it alone. That’s why we love LifeGroups. Our LifeGroups meet in convenient places across our community throughout the week. Ready to get connected?

About Lifegroups

Serve Our City

Jesus said his followers would be known by how they loved. So we’re continually meeting needs and doing creative acts of kindness, so our community can experience God’s love in practical ways with no strings attached.

Serve With Us